Yes, yes, y'all! It's Bike Month in Toronto, and there is a whole whack of goodness cruising around until June 30th.
First, let me mention a couple good organizations and events that are happening throughout the month. Start off by checking out the Toronto Cyclists Union at the Bicycle Service Station at Union Station. You can get free air and safety checks as well as all-you-need-to-know cycling information.
There's also a bunch of urban fruit harvesting events with Not Far from the Tree, which organizes a residential fruit-picking program. Bike around, pick fruit that would otherwise go to waste, share with others, enjoy!
Community Bicycle Network is holding a number of workshops for beginners and those ready to tackle more advanced projects, like wheel building.
The Igor Kenk graphic exhibition is going on at Type Books until the June 30th.
As for individual events going on this week, check it:
Bluffs, Beers and Pizza in the Park - Friday, June 4, 6:30 departure Riverdale Park East, just north of Broadview and Gerrard East
Go for a ride to the Scarborough Bluffs and scarf pizza, guzzle beer with other hot cyclists while enjoying the romantic sunset.
Also on Friday from 6:30 until 8:30 pm is Diverse Bicycle City at the Parkdale Community Centre (75 Lansdowne Ave). The new Cyclists Handbook will be launched and there'll be lots of exhibits, snacks and intercultural performances.
I've seen a number of souped up bikes, but Donald Quan's Bikrophone is by far the most melodic. It'll be on display in the lobby of 401 Richmond St. I'll definitely be going to gawk at it. Quan will also be performing live on Thursday, June 17th.
The Bike Joint is hosting a Family Treasure Hunt on Sunday. Starting at noon, you can round up the kiddies and head to 290A Harbord St. to scour the city for clues and learn about local history. Yeah!
And finally on Sunday, June 6th, head to Bike Sauce! It's Toronto's newest DIY bike repair shop. They're organizing a joy ride to the Leslie Spit and a picnic by the lighthouse! Now, THAT's a Sunday!
Happy cycling this week! Please don't rain...
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