Monday, January 11, 2010


I saw these wooden toys by Josh Finkle and wanted to die. Extinct style, like the animals they're modelled after. Everything about these toys is wonderful---from the wood to the way they stand to the packaging to their cute little paunches and curved snouts. Simply perfect. And I love wooden toys. There's an elegance about wooden toys that screams quality and class. Wooden toys were lovingly made to last.

The other thing that has me squealing these days is The World's Smallest Postal Service. For a mere 8 buckaroos (U.S.), you can get a mini handwritten letter, mini envelope complete with a mini wax seal and a magnifying glass to read the letter. Now, everyone join me in a collective squeal alternating with "aww!!!"
And finally, not squeal-worthy, perhaps more like chortling or snorting or even the occasional gag, this gem of a blog: Nic Cage as Everyone

I am both laughing and barfing and shuddering at the same time. For realz.

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